Mesmerizing videos have been in my catalog for over a decade. I started with overlays and spirals, stretching sounds and echoing vocals, and studying the basics of clinical hypnosis and behavioral psychology. My work was quickly and eagerly accepted by hypno fans and consistently topped the Mind Fuck and Mesmerize charts at It wasn’t long before other producers started using some of my staples, like spirals and ambient tones. Over the years I stayed ahead of the crowd by teaching myself new editing techniques, planning the best ways to capture shots, and acquiring new gear. FemDom is my lifestyle but hypno clips are always going to be a passion that I return to with new ideas and more advancements. Brainwash Room is my latest hypnosis series and features my most advanced abilities in ten years. To an assortment of solitary ideas, continuity and consistency were applied and a perfect set of mesmerizing clips was created.

As I was planning the film season and seeing which of my favorite fetishes weren’t yet covered, I knew I needed a hypno series. From a limited list of concepts that had accumulated over time, Brainwash Room was born. The theme is classic – the viewer enters my clinic where I perform experiments on his mind. I’m a sexy scientist administering tests while standing beside a table of tools. Through a subtle induction, I slip the viewer into trance where he undergoes several rounds of one of four experiments. It was decided to be a series focused on traditional mind-control measures: visual illusions, auditory stimulation, confusion, and subliminal programming. Some of the theories presented in Brainwash Room were thought of long ago and some of the ideas were conceived during pre-production to round out the series. But all are unique additions to my hypno portfolio – which already offers so many erotic and singular experiences. If you’re familiar with my work, you know when it comes to my hypnos, effects are key. Clean shots are what I aim for to have the best time with editing, so sets aren’t often a main focus. One notable exception, however, is the establishing sequence.

With empty sets for the main features, it was important to establish that we were in a laboratory setting. A tall, white table from a series filmed earlier in the season was the perfect size to host my tools of the trade. On it was placed a glowing graduated cylinder for science, an electronic instrument to dial in each experiment, and a glowing uranium bell as a nod to Pavlov’s dog. To keep things medical, I incorporated a penis model from an earlier series, as well as an item acquired just for this shoot: a model brain. Those are the two body parts most affected by the experiments in the Brainwash Room, so it was fitting that they were displayed. After revisiting A Clockwork Orange for inspiration for the series, I called these items my Droogies. While filming, I had a sudden idea to recreate the intro to the Kubrick film with a slow zoom-out, which is featured in the Indoctrination. Another exception to the empty set is Audio Overload. As the name suggests, it’s a sound-based video and I wanted the atmosphere to be dark and mysterious. Several of the more jungly plants in my collection were loaded into the corner of my film room. The camera was able to swirl around them with me in the middle – melting into the shadows in my black, velvet teddy and black fishnets.

Black as an outfit color makes several appearances in this series. Keeping with the theme of simplicity to showcase hypnotic concepts and make for easy editing, it was decided that all of the clothing would be black or white. Nothing colored, nothing mixed. I always have fun with a color scheme for a series because I find constraints to be fruitful for creativity. Choosing black and white was convenient and economic, too. The wardrobe department has plenty of options to combine into different looks, including two white lab coats. Of course the scientist had to wear the long lab coat with glossy, white pantyhose and satin bra. It was also a no-brainer to wear a black pair and a white pair of riding pants for OLAUltra, a strobe-effect mind fuck. I wore a black leather jacket, gloves and combat boots with black spandex for the racy subliminal vehicle, Highway Hypnosis. Black was the choice once again in the form of a sleek, sleeveless jumpsuit for Eye Fixation, a clip of optical illusions. And spirals! Lots of spiral jewelry showing up, one piece with each outfit. A little visual motif to further tie each of the otherwise unrelated experiments together.

Lighting is another area that enhances my hypno clips beyond the basic. Brainwash Room was one of the last film sessions of the season and I had been using tube lights and a spotfill to create magical glows. But light shows were needed for this series, so my pars were brought out, racked up and connected to the operator. Each of the clips had a unique light show programmed. Audio Overload has mysterious pulsing flashes. Highway Hypnosis features fading green, red and white to portray driving at night. Eye Fixation showcases a series of complimentary, blendable colors to enhanced the optical illusions. OLAUltra was given pink and blue strobes – because I like those colors and I’ve always loved strobe, so what better show to give the viewer for a clip that encourages obsession with and devotion to me? A variety of light shows is always fun to show off and for an added touch of consistency, the establishing sequences for each clip shares respective colors.

As stated, effects are key with my hypnos and it doesn’t end with visuals. Surreal audio backings enhance the mesmerizing qualities of my clips. My vocals are recorded with premium equipment, meticulously cleaned and put through a variety of software and hardware effects. Another unique quality about my hypnos is the hand-crafted ambiance and melodies originating from synths, drum machines, sequencers and pedals. A hypno series such as Brainwash Room is the perfect opportunity to go all out and experiment with new sounds and gear. Extra exciting about this series is that it’s the first to feature the new Solar 42F. This hand-made synth was bought off of my Throne[link to throne] wishlist by my shining star of a pet. After a couple of months on the wait list, the magical machine arrived – just in time to be used as the analog backdrop to this classical hypno series! The indie movie Beyond the Black Rainbow was studied before this film session as inspiration for not only experimental cinematography, but also the 80s-style synth soundtrack. The organic and ethereal tones created for this series are the perfect pairing to practical effects, like the extensive use of a gimbal and lens filters.

These are the sort of clips one must experience more than read about. The layers of visual and audio effects are so rich, the concepts so fresh, the expertise so on point, that even these enchanting photos and this detailed article can’t do them justice. Brainwash Room was brought together from random fragments of cool ideas. With some planning and thoughtful continuity, it became a semi-cinematic series featuring motifs and iconography. At it’s base, Brainwash Room is a fun, hypnotic adventure to capture the imagination. Once the pieces start fitting together, you’ll be ready for the next module.