The first cinematic series of 2025 is here! Finterrogation is a FemDom cop-drama that explores the dangers and risks associated with Financial Domination. As much for the women as it is for the men, this feature presentation discusses expectations, the heaviness of secrets, and the pathetic excuses of lurkers. Full of iconography, witty commentary, and raunchy moneyshots, this thoughtfully crafted piece of esoteric erotica will entertain and evoke playful feelings of guilt and humiliation.
Because this isn’t a tribute game or rip-off brag, Finterrogation relies on the story. The theme is derived from observed FinDom social media interactions and the plot is based on cop-interrogation scenes. I’ve been involved in the world of online FemDom for over a decade. I’ve seen all sorts of tactics from dommes and subs. There’s a lot of material to work with on Twitter, alone. So it was easy to create a scenario where a man would eventually get busted for not sending enough cash to greedy brats. Watching cop dramas over the years paid off, too. From Cold Case to Dirty Harry, I’m no stranger to a variety of interrogation techniques featured in TV and movies. Almost intuitively, I tapped into the right attitude when writing lines for a good cop, then a bad cop, and finally a dirty cop.

So I set to work mapping out the twists and turns of the plot and was very satisfied with the flow. The story came together easily enough from my years of experience in FinDom and as a fan of cop-dramas, but it wasn’t until I began watching NYPD Blue to study the acting that I realized how on-point my writing was. My one concern was that my script wasn’t long enough for each scene to be a full-length clip onto itself, but this was only of minor importance since I was still getting used to the twelve-scene formula of the cinematic series. The pacing turned out to be perfect, allowing each scene to stand alone as intended. Writing a full script and memorizing those lines was brand-new to me but I discovered, though challenging, it had certain advantages. Ad-libbing was never an issue but keeping to a script helps me avoid using filler sounds and talking in circles. Over the last year, I learned with scripts I’m able to focus more on the mood I want to convey and get a feel for the part of the story I’m in. So, even though the script was short and each scene came in at about 2-3 minutes, I was very happy with the result.

With the scenes about a third the length I’d like them to be, I decided that I’d get some extra money shot footage. Based off of the Cam-B shot list, I recorded twelve different teases. These shots were used as foreplay, exclusive to each respective scene release, giving the viewer a little more to savor before diving into part of the story. These close-ups were also used for hypnotic overlays featured in the introduction clip for the series. My recently acquired POV lens was attached to Cam-A and the gimbal was used to capture the main shot. This realistic visual created an immersive perspective for the viewer to more easily assume his role in the story. Since Cam-A was a tight shot, mostly showcasing my face, it was important that Cam-B captured the sexy alternate view of the action and was placed to capture ass worship angles and sneaky under-desk peeks. Unrelated to the scenes, bonus footage was filmed of me playing with a volleyball while wearing gold shorts and an FBI tank. This would be used in sequences exclusive to the full-length feature. The sporty outfit was determined weeks before, but the decision to get wild pans and zooms was last-minute and based on the transition shots in NYPD Blue. Yellow lights enhanced this bonus shoot and visually differentiated the transitions from scenes. Outside of the gimbal and zoom lenses, no practical effects were used, so lighting was key.

Solid, primary colors were chosen so the scenes could be blanketed in a bold glow. Blue lighting cast a cool shade over the set as the story begins. Everything seems relaxed and easy as the collected agent asks a series of questions. The icy aura spans the first day of the interrogation, as questions go from benign to personal. Alternately, red lighting warms the set as the story heats up. The mood has decidedly shifted on the second day of questioning and only the viewer is sweating as his situation is laid out. The radiating shade enhances the seriousness of the scenario, alluding to the inescapable danger.
A story that spanned two days and only one character didn’t leave a lot of options for outfits. However, I often find that limitation leads to creativity and I took Fingerrogation as a challenge. With this agent being professional, she would certainly have layers to her outfit. I already had two black jackets, one for each day. I decided that it was a realistic possibility that at some point during the interrogation, each jacket could be removed to reveal an updated look. This gave me four different styles with just two outfits, allowing each of the four clips to stand apart from each other.

The rest of the attire had to be equally professional for a serious agent of the law. With only two main outfits, they had to contrast as much as possible. The agent didn’t expect to catch a case when our story began, so she showed up to work in a feminine and flirty ensemble including sheer pantyhose, a silk camisole and shiny flats. When she dresses for the second day, knowing the interrogation of her prime suspect will continue, the elegant look is exchanged for stern slacks, a button shirt and matte flats. Spirals, an OLA motif, are used to accessorize the outfits, and handcuffs bring familiar iconography to both the wardrobe and set.
Obviously actual hand cuffs were needed. I acquired an inexpensive set but why stop there? Cops love coffee, so it seemed appropriate to find an appropriate hand-cuff decorated mug for atop the desk. I saw a couple of options but my favorite fit the vibe of a brat if she were also a cop. Along with a few other items already in the props department like a ham radio and business phone, the cop’s desk was decorated in a realistic way. As an added touch of authenticity, I bought an American flag and a pole to frame the office. The flag and pole were re-used in day two’s interrogation room and gave the illusion of cramped quarters. Anyone who’s seen real or fictional interrogations knows these rooms are bare-bones, so a small white table was the main piece. To enhance the set, I added a utility-style lamp to my wishlist and a good pet bought it. I strung it from the permanent hooks in my ceiling and allowed the shade to hang down near my head, low enough to be in some shots. There was one last-minute addition that was used throughout all of the scenes. A notepad was bought after seeing how important it was to the dialogue in NYPD Blue.

My favorite thing about Fingerrogation is the story. It’s full of plot twists, sneaky tricks and snarky jokes. Not only is this cinematic series erotic, with lots of upskirt perving and ass angles, but there’s something to savor beyond primal urges. If we’re being honest, it will probably take you a few viewings to get through. But that’s part of the savoring – it’s going to be on your mind until the next chance you get to steal away and spend time in the erotic world I created.
It’s like your favorite cop drama but way sexed up. The walls are closing in but that doesn’t mean you don’t have options. Come, it is time for your Finterrogation.