Making lists is fun for some and daunting for others but always helps anyone who puts in a bit of effort. As I prepare to release the first clips of my 2024 film season and plan my upcoming 2025 film season, I can’t help but think of how important it is – preparing and planning. Organizing ideas into detailed lists is how I’m able to pull off the most complex and involved work of my career. But I didn’t start with a year’s worth of production notes outlining camera angles, lighting changes and prop locations.
The extent of my planning was the same as many early producers – I had a list of catchy clip titles, a stack of garments still in their packages, and a goal to film as many clips as I could. Over time I learned that little things like pre-selecting outfits and writing down a few lines to get me going made for an easier and more energized film session. So, I added wardrobe and starter-scripts to my list of clip titles.

Each time I planned something in advance, a better outcome was achieved and my organization efforts were rewarded as I added gear, props and full scripts to the mix. This positive reinforcement of plans going accordingly has kept me on track to create more polished POV clips. Through the practice of making lists, I can now develop elaborate production notes months in advance of scheduled film sessions. These beefed-up lists became a necessary tool when I got serious about erotic film-making. Looking back at the evolution of my clips and my lists over the years, I really am impressed. It was quite the journey that brought me to this point and I can remember many deciding moments along the way.
In 2018 I upgraded my camera. I was quickly in over my head and had to get more gear to make the most of my new hardware. Buying lenses, acquiring better lighting, building a curtain wall – it took a lot of work just to start tapping into my camera’s potential. That year I also added the first synth to my setup so that my hypno clips could have more full and customized audio accompaniment. It was through necessity of obtaining, and then learning, all of this new gear that my work took on a more experimental style. But the acquisitions didn’t stop there. Each year I add new pieces to my collection – and the list of options multiplies. I realized that it saved time to determine beforehand which lenses I would use, how the camera should be angled, and which lighting worked best with my chosen outfits. So, new these new details were added to my list of clip titles, wardrobes and starter-scripts.

In 2021 I started to film with props. At first it was a few balloons and a cake for my birthday series. Then I wanted to film with a beach ball for a month of bikini clips. By the end of that film season, I went all out once again with balloons for Devilish December. I fell in love with having a frame full of props and my goal for 2022 was to collect more items to create a homey setting. I added a velvet chair and a marble table to my wishlist and bought a couple of artificial plants. Over the following months, I took a liking to the look and found more ways to fill the scene with decor. Naturally, I needed to go bigger for the next film season.

In 2023 I was fully loaded with bags of camera gear, a wide variety of lighting, shelves of music equipment, and a room half-full of neatly stacked furniture and decor. I acquired different tables, a chaise lounge and a glass desk. I thrifted for phones and various curiosities. I added more artificial plants to my nursery. And of course all of these props had to be categorized for easy set-up before each scene. So, set dressing was finally added to my list of clip titles, wardrobe, starter-scripts, camera notes and lighting.

As with anyone holding so many weapons, I wanted the most fun way to play with them. The next step in my evolution was to write compelling, erotic stories. I locked in on cinematic series and worked to create scenes within clips within a film. I further developed this format through my 2024 season by incorporating motifs, iconography and plot twists.
By utilizing my advanced listing ability, I was able to organize minute details of each scene to immerse the viewer in my sexy world. I created clips with cinematic camera work, purposeful lighting, per-determined musical arrangement, elaborate set dressing and even complete scripts. My list turned into full-on production notes that were able to be printed and disbursed months ahead of filming.

It’s exciting to think that I started off like so many – with my snappy clip titles, a pile of cute clothes and a basic camera – and now to be here, methodically adding layers of detail to production notes months before my film season even starts. It’s how I’m able to come out with some of the richest indie fetish videos available – and I don’t mind bragging because I put in the damn work!
By adding new gear each year, the possibilities increase and it can be a lot to keep track of. But with lists that have evolved along with my ambitions, I’ve created a nice formula for myself. The more routine there is to my film sessions, and the more detailed my planning is, the more I can get in the zone and give my best, most passionate performance.

Now that I’m planning my 2025 film season, this is how I go about adding details to my production notes over time:
List 1 – List of ideas. First ideas are collected, then narrowed down to what excites me most. I write a synopsis for each final choice as a jumping off point for future brainstorming sessions.
List 2 – Series development. I come up with the individual clips that will tell the story of each series. I also make notes on wardrobe styles and settings, as well as any inspiration that strikes.
List 3 – Visual details. Now it’s time to plan each outfit and determine any props needed for the set. It’s also time to nail down the mood by thinking of lighting and music.
List 4 – Technical details. Selecting camera details comes next. Things like angle, lenses and filters are noted for each scene as needed. Lighting is finalized by selecting which lamps will be used for which series and how the colors may change from clip to clip. Music notes are reviewed and elaborated for easier post-production.
List 5 – Final print out! All of the details above, neatly organized in an outline format, are listed in the order that each series will be filmed. Every detail I need to create each scene is decided and noted, allowing me a clear mind to focus on the days of preparation which lead up to each film session. But more on that, later.
It’s helpful to print out these lists, especially if you’re working with someone else. Printed lists are easy to read and keep everyone on the same page. Plus, creating this list on your computer makes for easier editing as details are plotted over the months.

I didn’t always plan this much and I didn’t always have to. A list that started off very simple grew over time and out of necessity. By acquiring more gear, having ambitious goals and gaining knowledge and skills, I ended up with thorough, precipice production notes that help me be more creative in the moment. Without planning, I wouldn’t be able to come out with the best work of my career.
I love these insights into your creative processes and BTS look into the development of your videos over time! I also find lists very useful for organizing my thoughts, whether it’s a list of goals or tasks, or just a list of my fears/anxieties so I can take stock and gain perspective as I address them individually. Cool to see that you plan your videos so intricately and so far in advance!