I am proud to say that I am AI-enhancement free. I don’t use any face blurring or body beautification apps. I don’t make my eyes larger or lips puffier. I don’t smooth out my thighs or ass. I present myself in clips and photos as I am – a natural and confident woman.

Many adult creators use AI-enhancement tools on their material and I often wonder if customers can notice. There’s this thing called “uncanny valley,” a term used to describe that weird feeling you get when you can tell something you’re looking at isn’t quite right. Maybe you’ve been asked by a news broadcast to look at two videos and tell which is the deepfake. Once you start to spot the strange shading or odd movements, the uncanny valley feeling is hard to ignore.
I hope that most of society still has this facet of thought working and people are able to discern between fake and real. But who knows where people are at. Some could have low-quality screens displaying fuzzy images all the time. Some people take prescription pills and are always living in a surreal haze. And plenty of folks are just plain simple. With so many reasons, it’s easy to see how AI-enhancements can appear successful, but what are the hidden damages to the women using these tools?

Men have been masturbating to illustrations for a long time, so jerking off to computer generated and AI-enhanced content isn’t really a new concept. However, never before have women been able to control their own unrealistic airbrushing. In an effort to hide their perceived flaws and cater to some men’s unrealistic fantasy female, women run their pics and clips through software that softens skin, blurs blemishes and resizes facial features. And shrinks their fragile self-esteem. We’re supposed to be building up the confidence of women, not encouraging them to hide behind a cartoon likeness of themselves.
It’s sad that some women feel the need for AI-enhancements, and it’s sadder still that it becomes increasingly difficult to stop utilizing these tools. They prefer the false image they selected for themselves to the person they see in the mirror, and the more they look at the false image, the worse they feel about their real appearance. This is a tough job and we need thick skin. Hiding behind AI-enhancements isn’t indicative of having the true confidence to show off and incite arousal in others. Being beautiful can be done naturally! I’m proof. I just celebrated another birthday and my skin and body are as youthful and glowing as ever.
So, what do I do to feel confident going organic? I take care of myself and I know what works for me.

Fitness is important. It keeps the blood pumping through every organ, which includes skin, and it helps build and maintain muscles. No need for artificial smoothing when you take care of your body and get your capillaries pumping. Of course it takes time but it doesn’t take a whole gym full of machines. Simple body-weight exercises and some dumbbells can get you started.
Nutrition is important. Eating healthy foods like produce, lean meats and nuts will give your body what it needs to thrive. Vitamins and minerals break down and are used by the body to maintain basic functionality. Skin wants leafy greens. Muscles want lean protein. Hair and nails want oils. The more healthy food you put into yourself, the better building blocks your body will be made of – and this has the added bonus of preventing cancer because your building blocks aren’t made by slurry from a tank at a corporate factory.
Water is important. It flushes out toxins helping to keep your skin clear. Not only that, but when your skin is full of moisture, it’s naturally plump. Water also keeps your stomach busy so boredom hunger happens less. Fat burns more efficiently when you’re properly hydrated, too.

Sleep is important. We’ve all been up too late and when it happens often, we can see it on our face. You don’t have to be old to have puffy eyes and lines around your mouth. It can happen from lack of sleep, too. Getting to bed at the same time every night ensures your body is able to cycle through its processes and keeps your body functioning efficiently.
Self-awareness is important. Maybe stockings aren’t the best choice right now. Maybe that pose forces out some dimples. Maybe you’ve got a zit on one side of your face. Work around these temporary hurdles and flaunt your assets! Learn your best camera angles. Discover lighting that flatters. Select a wardrobe that works for you. No one is making you shoot that unflattering content. We all have places that we don’t feel 100% confident about, but we don’t have to show them off front and center.

There’s someone for everyone and there is a place for every look in this business. Big, scrawny, pimples, cellulite – each of these “flaws” are beautiful to someone. But if a creator doesn’t have the confidence to see this, own it, and work around it in a healthy way, sex work might not be the best career. Mental wellness and fortitude are crucial to do this job long-term. There are enough trolls and second guessing without us bullying ourselves and picking apart our appearance.
And, anyway. Who’s to say you’re not comparing yourself to an AI-enhanced photo? She might not be real and you’re making yourself feel bad for not being as beautiful as a cartoon. Try to focus on your own natural beauty. We all have it!

I am proud to say that I am AI-enhancement free. I take care of myself and that gives me the confidence to show myself for what I really am – a human being and not some digital fantasy.
i don’t know what to say, but i like it all…